FAQ for Pangolin Rifle Safes

Pangolin rifle safe FAQ's

If you are considering purchasing a Pangolin Vehicle Rifle Safe and you have a question not answered in the Pangolin R (Box Rifle Safes Series) Technical Specifications (PDF), or Pangolin T (Tubular Rifle Safes Series) Technical Specifications (PDF), we address common questions in the Rifle Safes FAQ's below. If not covered, please chat to us:

General rifle safe FAQ's

Where can I purchase a Pangolin safe?

Pangolin safes are available directly from Pangolin via our Online Shop or nationally from approved resellers.

What is the warranty period on a Pangolin rifle safe?

The warranty on the Pangolin rifle safes (Pangolin R and T series) is three years from date of purchase by original purchaser and covers any defect in materials or workmanship affecting your Pangolin rifle safe, subject to the usual T&C's (e.g. does not cover abuse). This is also detailed in the manual.

Why should I register the rifle safe and keys with Pangolin?

Should you lose both keys to your Pangolin vehicle firearm safe, Pangolin Security Products will have to verify the legitimate owner of the safe before supplying replacement keys. The registration is purely for authentication purposes to maintain the security of your safe.

What if I lose both my rifle safe keys?

If you have registered your Pangolin firearm safe with Pangolin Security Products we can supply you with a replacement key after authenticating the request. If it has not been registered and we cannot authenticate the legitimate owner, the safe will have to be destroyed to gain access to the contents.

What if I sell my vehicle containing a rifle safe?

Fixed units: The safe is readily un-installed once it is unlocked. Docked units: The dock is readily un-installed once the safe is detached. The exposed mounting holes will be blanked off by the installer to prevent possible water and dust ingress and to maintain aesthetics. You can also choose to leave the dock in your old car and install a new dock in your new vehicle. The safe could also be sold with the vehicle to the new owner. In this case a new Installation Certificate will need to be prepared in the name of the new owner and Pangolin Security Products notified by the original owner of the change of ownership.

What about a biometric or keypad or other electronic locking system?

These options were considered for Pangolin firearm safes but discarded in favour of the superior reliability and security offered by the Abloy® Sentry lock for professional end users such as government, municipal, law enforcement, defence and critical industries. This high quality mechanical lock and key with >800 000 differs that cannot be duplicated or picked will always work when needed, whereas electronics can fail, batteries run flat, fingerprints not be recognised when wet, images replicated, codes be forgotten under duress or be forced to divulge under threat. Electronic systems are however an option in combination with the Abloy® Sentry lock as a dual locking system requiring simultaneous operation to unlock the safe.

Can I have my current tracking device fitted in the Pangolin Rifle Safe?

Yes you can, but bear in mind that the safe acts like a Faraday cage which highly attenuates radio frequency signals. This will cause the detection range to be greatly reduced and may be too little to be of any real value for tracking purposes, so it should be tested beforehand. NB: An option with a purpose designed solution that overcomes this problem for a track and trace service is available from Quicktrack.

Installation of rifle safes FAQ's

Please also see our Pangolin Installation web page for more information.

How do I find an installer for my Pangolin rifle safe?

You can find a list of certified and authorised Pangolin safe installers on the Pangolin website. If you cannot find one convenient to you please contact us for assistance.

What do I do with my Installation Certificate?

Keep the original in a safe place (but not in the Pangolin safe) and supply copies to those in need of it (e.g. insurance company, employer, etc). It would also be wise to keep a copy on your mobile phone.

Does the installation or certificate need to be certified by SAPS/SABS?

No, there is no need to inspect or register your vehicle safe or installation certificate with SAPS or SABS. In fact it would only cause confusion if you made such a request since there is no basis or mandate in the FCA or FCR or SANS standard for doing so.

What if I can't access the steel bodywork for mounting the Pangolin rifle safe?

In order to be compliant with regulations and maintain integrity of the installation it is essential that the Pangolin safe is secured to the steel body or floor of your vehicle. There is no other option allowed. Consult with Pangolin Security Products if difficulty is being experienced in finding a suitable location.

What if I can't access the underside of the bodywork for mounting the Pangolin rifle safe?

There is a solution available from Pangolin Security Products or your installer in the form of a special fastener that can attach securely to the bodywork from one side only. NB:

  • This fastener must only be used when access to the underside of the floorplate is not possible, or a conventional bolt would be too long.
  • Standard Rivnuts® are not approved for this purpose.

What if I can't fit bolts in all required positions for mounting the Pangolin rifle safe?

In order to be compliant with regulations as well as maintain integrity of the installation it is essential that the Pangolin is secured with all of the high tensile or stainless steel bolts supplied (or equivalent no smaller in diameter than those supplied) and in the designated positions.

What about my vehicle warranty?

If any aftermarket product is fitted intrusively to your vehicle (i.e. involving physical alteration in any way) then you can expect that your vehicle warranty could be affected in respect of the affected part/s. The way in which it is regarded will depend on the vehicle manufacturer, but as a minimum you can expect to lose the warranty on corrosion protection at the Pangolin installation site unless the installation is undertaken by an OEM approved aftermarket fitment centre. We recommend that you consult with your vehicle manufacturer if this is a concern.

Rifle Safe product specific FAQ's

What size rifle fits into the Pangolin R and T series safe?

Pangolin R and T series safes are available in standard sizes and configurations or custom made, so can accommodate any size of firearm or mounting location you have in mind.

Where in my vehicle can I install a Pangolin R or T Series safe?

The requirements of the FIREARMS CONTROL ACT and SANS 953-1:2018 are that the mounting location must:

  • Permit attachment by bolting to the floor or other part of the steel bodywork of the vehicle.
  • Allow the safe to be non-conspicuous once installed.

As the manufacturer we further require that the Pangolin R be installed with all mounting bolts according to the design in order to assure security. These safes are usually quite large and do not look like safes, but even so thought is required to detract attention from them if they are not located out of sight. Examples are dull black finishes, covering with carpeting or padding so they look like seats or ordinary trunks or lock boxes, etc.

Additional practical requirements are ready access to the interior of the safe and not obstructing or interfering with any of the vehicle's controls. It is a matter of choice between the owner and installer. These are examples that have been found to work:

  • Behind the seat on bakkies
  • In the load bin of bakkies, mounted flat or raised on brackets or over the wheel arch
  • On the back shelf of cab and a half bakkies
  • In the boot of sedans or hatchbacks, mounted flat or raised on brackets to allow access to the spare wheel
  • In the rear of SUV's, mounted flat or raised.

Can I get a long weapon safe that I can remove if necessary?

Yes it is possible, but this requirement should be specified at the enquiry stage so that the correct safe and fasteners can be supplied. Removable safes require the use of tools and may take 20-30 minutes to remove or re-install.

Can I get a dockable long weapon safe for use in both my car and home?

Yes it is possible, but this should be specified at the outset so that the correct safe, docks and fasteners can be supplied for a type B1 (home) and type B3 (vehicle) safe. Docked safes can be detached or re-attached within 1 or 2 minutes without tools.

Are Pangolin long weapon safes weatherproof?

Pangolin T safes (tubular rifle safes) are weatherproof as standard. They are designed and built to be both water tight and dust tight. Pangolin R safes (box rifle safes) are not weatherproof but are intended for use in the protected environment of a vehicle cab or boot or enclosed bakkie load bin.

What is eKote?

eKote is an exceptionally corrosion resistant epoxy based finish that is applied to metal substrates in a 5-step full immersion chemical preparation and treatment process that includes oven baking at high temperature. It is typically used in the manufacture of OEM motor vehicle components.

What is SkuffKote?

SkuffKote is a proprietary rubber based compound applied over eKote in order to provide an extremely durable and abrasion resistant finish suitable for harsh and arduous environments, such as the open load bins of hunting and farming vehicles. Unlike conventional rubberising, SkuffKote has very high adhesion to the substrate.

Legality of rifle safes FAQ's

Please also see our comparison with applicable South African firearm statutes (PDF).

Can I leave my rifle in my vehicle?

While driving it is always best to carry, but South African law does make provision for circumstances where you prefer not to carry when travelling. In these situations temporary storage in your vehicle is preferable because there is no satisfactory facility for safekeeping at your destination in compliance with the Firearms Control Regulations. So in brief the answer is “Yes” – but only if:

  • It is locked in a safe that complies with the requirements of the Firearms Control Regulations of the FIREARMS CONTROL ACT.
  • For certainty, the safe must also comply with SANS 953-1:2018 type B3 safes.
  • The safe has been correctly installed and certified as required by that standard.
  • You may lawfully possess the firearm and/or ammunition.
  • You retain exclusive access to the safe.
  • Further, SANS 953-1:2018 requires that the vehicle must be equipped with an immobiliser. This is particularly important when risk of vehicle theft is high and although not prescribed, we recommend supplementing the OEM immobiliser with additional anti-theft measures.

SANS 953-1:2018 also states that vehicle firearm safes are only intended for the temporary storage of firearms. They are not a substitute for the wall or floor mounted safe that must be inspected by SAPS at your home. More information is available from Pangolin Security Products directly.

What if my car is stolen (with the long arm in it, locked in a Pangolin rifle safe)?

The safe complies with the Firearms Control Act, the Firearm Control Regulations and the SABS standard referred to in the Regulations. Provided the safe is also installed in compliance with the SABS standard and you have a properly completed Installation Certificate and record of installation, then you cannot be found negligent if your vehicle is stolen with your firearm locked in it since you did everything that the law requires. Assuming of course that the vehicle was locked with a fully functional immobiliser and reasonable care was taken to avoid making it obvious that a firearm was left in the vehicle and the vehicle itself was not subject to undue risk.

It is important to always bear in mind the "reasonable person" test. i.e. If something should go wrong, would your choices and actions be seen in the eyes of a judge to be those of a "reasonable person", i.e. a responsible, aware and thinking rifle owner. For example, if your vehicle is known to be vulnerable to theft, then a reasonable person would not rely on a factory fitted immobiliser as the only anti-theft measure even if the law says this is all that is required.

Can I install the Pangolin rifle safe myself?

To comply with firearms control regulations, all vehicle firearm safes must be affixed by an installer who must provide you with an installation certificate that complies with the requirements of SANS 953-1:2018. The standard does not specifically define "installer" but Pangolin Security Products interprets this to mean a fitment centre or professional installer who is independent and familiar with vehicle installations and the requirements of SANS 953-1:2018, so that integrity is assured and risk of compromising the vehicle and safe is minimised. Certified installers are also trained in the legal requirements for greatest assurance of compliance. For more information see installation information on the Pangolin website.

If compliance with the Firearms Control Regulations is not a requirement for you (e.g. the safe is used for valuables, or you are not resident in South Africa, or certification is impossible because of your location) then from a practical standpoint you can install the safe yourself. It is within the capabilities of any competent DIY person and comprehensive installation instructions can be made available, although on more sophisticated vehicles specialist knowledge of vehicle construction may be required. Note that the vehicle must be equipped with an immobiliser in order to comply with the requirements of SANS 953-1:2018.

Can my son/father/brother-in-law/mechanic/technician etc. install the rifle safe?

If strict compliance with the Firearms Control Regulations is not a requirement for you (e.g. the safe is used for valuables, or you are not resident in South Africa, or certification is impossible because of your location) then from a practical standpoint you can have the safe installed by a related party. Installation is within the capabilities of any competent DIY person and comprehensive instructions can be made available, although on more sophisticated vehicles specialist knowledge of vehicle construction becomes important.

However, bear in mind that if something goes wrong (e.g. the vehicle is stolen in South Africa with a firearm in the safe), then you will be out on a limb and your competency will be at risk. This is because the installer is not truly independent (i.e. having an "arm's length relationship"). Your related party would have to testify in court and you would have an additional burden of proof of compliance which a competent prosecutor can use to advantage against you. Careful weighing up of the risks vs benefit is strongly advised.

Do the Pangolin R Series safes comply with SABS/SANS?

Pangolin rifle safes (R series safes) have been assessed, tested and verified by an independent test authority to comply with the requirements of SANS 953-1:2018 for type B3 safes for motor vehicles and caravans. The assessment includes checks and tests as necessary for materials, design, construction, attachment and durability.

Why do you claim that Pangolin rifle safes exceed SABS/SANS?

Many reasons but here are two examples: SANS 953-1:2018 for type B3 safes does not require re-locking devices, nor does it require locks of such a high standard as the Abloy(R) Sentry lock. Pangolin R safes (box safes) are fitted with three or four active re-locking devices depending on length. Pangolin T safes (tubular rifle safes) are fitted with four active relocking devices.

Are the Pangolin R and T Series of rifle safes SABS approved?

As required in the FIREARMS CONTROL ACT, 2000 and Firearms Control Regulations, 2004 the Pangolin R and T Series rifle safes supplied for the South African market conform to the prescripts of SABS Standard 953-1 for type B3 safes. SANS 953-1 states that the safe must be permanently fixed into the vehicle.

How does "permanently fixed" apply to docked Pangolin safes?

SANS 953-1 states "permanently fixed", the meaning of which is immediately clarified in the same clause by the statement "Safes shall never be left standing loose." The means of securing a type B3 safe is further clarified as "there shall be an arrangement for bolting the safe to the body or to the floor of a vehicle". The dock is bolted to the body or floor of the vehicle and the safe is bolted to the dock so that, once locked, the safe acts as one unit that is effectively bolted to the body or floor of the vehicle and is not left standing loose.

What if the police stop me and they are not aware of the allowance for a Type B3 safe?

This certainly can happen as no-one can be expected to know and memorise all elements of the law. Also most people are not well informed about this. In this case it will be necessary to refer the officer to the applicable legislation. One way to do this is to keep a copy of the relevant pages from the Firearms Control, Act, the Regulations and SANS 953-1:2018 handy inside the safe. The applicable extracts are conveniently summarised by Pangolin (PDF).

How can the Pangolin movable (docked) rifle safe meet SABS requirements for bolting to the vehicle?

There are three sets of bolts in a Pangolin docked safe:

  • The machine screws (bolts and nuts in common terminology) for mounting the dock to the bodywork of the vehicle.
  • The boltwork (safe terminology) for securing the safe onto the mounted dock.
  • The boltwork (safe terminology) for securing the lid of the safe in the locked position.

The dock is bolted to the bodywork of the vehicle with six or more bolts and the safe in turn is bolted onto the dock with six or more bolts. In this way the requirement is met for an arrangement for bolting the safe to the body or to the floor of a vehicle so that it is not removable from its mounted position. Nothing in the standard precludes a safe from having two bases. Bear in mind that all type B1 (wall mount) safes are also removable by unbolting once they are unlocked and opened. The Pangolin docked safe simply has additional boltwork that permits it to be moved easily by quick unbolting from the dock once it is opened.

Why can't I just fit a regular rifle safe in my vehicle?

You can do that so long as you can show conformity with the requirements for a type B3 safe and installation per SANS 953-1 as required in the FCA and Regulations, along with the certificate of installation and installation record. You may be legally covered, but have a far less secure solution and that may be OK for you.

Pangolin box rifle safe with dock

"Good investment. Nice safe - very practical."

- Petrus via HelloPeter